Channel Off-Air
Saturday, March 15
4:56p at
FOR FOUR YEAR OLDS AND UPWARD WHICH HAVE NEVER WON TWO RACES. Weight, 123 lbs. Claiming Price $16,000 (1.5% Aftercare Assessment Due At Time Of Claim Otherwise Claim Will Be Void).
7 - 1/1a - 3 - 2
1 -
Linda Rice
1A -
Rice, Linda and Bruce Golden Racing
2 -
Signature Thoroughbreds
3 -
Vedhya L. Jagnanan
4 -
Gregg O'Donnell
5 -
Bran Jam Stable and Clark, David W.
6 -
Forgotten Man Racing, Inc.
7 -
Windylea Farm LLC
8 -
Buchakjian, Kyle and Buchakjian, Richard
1 -
1A -
Wildwood Farm
2 -
Ashrad Mohamed
3 -
Cicero Farms LLC
4 -
Delehanty Stock Farm
5 -
Dixiana Farms, LLC
6 -
Glas-Tipp Stable LLC
7 -
R. S. Evans
8 -
Kyle Buchakjian & Richard Buchakjian
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