Channel Off-Air
Sunday, March 16
Maiden Claiming
2:05p at
FOR MAIDENS, THREE YEARS OLD AND UPWARD. Three Year Olds, 118 lbs.; Older, 126 lbs. Claiming Price $20,000 (1.5% Aftercare Assessment Due At Time Of Claim Otherwise Claim Will Be Void).
1 -
Naipaul Chatterpaul
2 -
Clarence Daniel
3 -
John S. Pregman, Jr.
4 -
S.O.K. Racing and Schrader, Michael
5 -
Two B and One C Stable
6 -
McCourt Racing
7 -
SD Racing Stables
8 -
Sanford J. Goldfarb
1 -
Jeffrey K. Ramsey, Stephanie E. Ramsey& William K. Ramsey
2 -
Lonnie Michael Briley
3 -
Sather Family LLC
4 -
Jeff Kerber & Robin Kerber
5 -
John R. Penn & Frank Penn
6 -
McCourt Racing Inc.
7 -
Lois Engel
8 -
Barry Butzow & Joni Butzow
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